Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dreas turns ONE!

June 21st was Draes's first birthday! He didn't really get why all the attention was on him, but he definitely loved the cake! We wish you all could have been here to share it with him. We can hardly believe he's already a year, but he's definitely on the go. 

He's walking everywhere, jabbering all the time, and making his general presence and preferences known. This last year has been an amazing blessing, having Draes in our lives. We can't wait to see what then next year holds for him :)

For more pictures, check out my facebook account :)

Monday, June 16, 2008

One Step at a Time

New things can be overwhelming. 

Having your first child, for instance. Or for that matter, having your first second and your first third child, and so on :) Any "first time" situation can be scary... even terrifying.

Some see a challenge. Others, like me, see the insurmountable. I've wasted hours and hours pondering the mysteries of why my natural bent is fear when it could be faith (like my amazing husband's view). 

Recently there have been so many new things: New town, new people, new baby on the way, new house, new rules, new church, new everything that comes with planting a church... I began to find myself lying awake at night, unable to shake the fear of "all that must be done." 

Then a funny thing happened. My baby started walking. Not funny, ha ha. Funny in that God used it for ME.  I was lying awake... AGAIN... probably about 3:30 am, thinking, "How? How can I possibly juggle all of this? What if I drop everything and make a fool of myself and everyone else?" And God brought to my mind a recent picture of my son and I. A vision of my little boy, barely confident in his steps, reaching for my hand. As he held on to me, not only did he gain confidence, he began to move forward... one... step... at... a time. 

The tears came with the tender voice of God, "Hold on to Me, and take one step at a time."

I love the story of Peter walking on the water (Matthew 14:22-36). "...Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!' Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. 'You of little faith,' he said, 'why did you doubt?' " (vs. 29b-31). There are so many angles from which to see this story, but I love it because it shows me Peter's humanity and Christ's divinity. Peter was afraid; he needed a Savior. Christ was disappointed, but he did not withhold his mercy, his hand.

It's so easy to become distracted by the wind, the voice of the enemy twirling us into confusion. But if we can stop, if we can lock into the gaze of the One who commands the universe... If we can reach for his hand, we can make it... one... step... at a time, until we're walking strong and tall, maybe even running! And if you feel like you're creeping right now, you can come on over into my lane; you'll be in good company :) We'll get stronger and faster every day, reaching for Jesus.

Oh... and I just loved the picture of Jesus learning to walk :) Guess it means He's been there too. :)