Monday, November 28, 2011

8 years

Dear Daxton,
Well, your birthday was Thursday and so was Thanksgiving. Ha ha. So Mommy's a few days behind getting this written. Happy 8th birthday Mr. To be honest, I'm in slight denial. Despite the fact that the top of your head now measures mid-shoulder for me... I think I'll continue to say you are 7.

In my heart, I wish I could just bounce back and forth between years and seasons of your life. Every wiser mother warned me and I knew, "It just goes so fast." But I cannot stop it. And I don't want to stop you. Just freeze moments every now and again.

You are so amazing! Watching you become is... indescribable. You have my "gift" for speaking truth - and you mean no offense whatsoever! It makes me laugh to realize how my parents must have held their breath when I opened my mouth.

You have your dad's innovative mind: you're always building new contraptions or inventing an "easier" way to accomplish a task. I might just steal some of your ideas and write a book! I'll bank the profits for your college fund - though you're SURE you don't want to go.

Your brothers think you can do ANYthing! You don't even realize what a leader you are. :)

I try to imagine what you'll look like as you grow - who you will be. I hope you always have that light in your eyes - your try. You were born for greatness my love. I pray as you walk in the Spirit, you will continue to embrace it.

I'm excited to watch and see.

Love you so,
Mommy (for at least a couple more years hopefully ;)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Best Surprises!!!

Dear, sweet Dezdin,
     It was 5:45 a.m., three years ago today that you woke me up with a vengeance. Your daddy said, "Maybe we should call the hospital." I responded, "You may call them if you like. I will be in the car. It's time."
     You have always been our sweet and sudden surprise. We were surprised to find out we would be having you, surprised by how quickly you arrived, surprised at how HUGE you were (10 lbs 11 ounces). Though, as much processed sugar and flour as mommy had been eating, I really should have been prepared.
    For the last several weeks as I have talked to you about turning three, you have insisted, "I'm not three, I'm two," your sweet little voice ringing with persistence as you hold up your pointer and middle fingers.
    I'm so excited to celebrate your life today - a gift we had not expected or dreamed of. A gift that has been a constant reminder of God's love for us. You are our quiet, gleaming star. A quiet twinkle in the eye of our life. Independent and content; present and full of shining life.
    I hope today is full of surprises for your little heart. We love you more than you can fathom. You continue to be the best surprise!

With all my heart,

P.S. Thank you, Jesus, for loving us enough to give us what we never would have known we needed. You are beautiful and we are overwhelmed!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

When the Path is Dim

Dear Love,
It seems to me, lately, that it's harder to find You. I know it is not that You're unavailable or silent. Your still, small voice rings unmistakably when I toil to stop and strain to hear.

I believe it is more that my eyes become misdirected. There is a line that weaves between walking in faith and resting in faith. Do I simply wait for You? What should I do while I wait? I dare not simply twiddle my thumbs vainly. Hope is dying. Love is fading. Hearts lose courage and trip over roots of bitterness on the path to surrender. There is too much at stake to simply lie in wait. And You say I must believe that You reward me when I earnestly seek You. So I know to be still truly means to be in a motion of another kind. Chasing Your peace, pursuing Your rest.

Oh, I love You. And there are moments - when I take away the lie of this world's sufficiency - and see clearly that there is nothing secure in this life. Houses burn; governments fail; currencies change; jobs end; relationships wane; life is but a vapor. In those seconds where I sit completely secure in the insecurity of it all, I feel Your heart most clearly. I understand the tears You shed. I see what You see, and Your love truly is better than life.

But there is much to be done - and sometimes the doing leaves You in the dim... when we step in our own understanding and your heartbeat fades. Amazing how one misstep leads to a completely errant path... So, I'm asking You... keep me near You... Whether I turn to the right or to the left let my ears hear Your voice behind me saying, "This is the way. Walk in it." Cause me to listen. Allow me to hear. Hold me closer.

I love you,