Monday, May 25, 2009

Dezdin at 6 months

Hey all...Dezdin turned 6 months last week. I took some video on Dax's little super camera. The background noise is annoying, but I thought those of you, especially family, who are far away would enjoy seeing what he's up to.
Dez is our little joy. He's still always happy. He goes with the flow and is smiley for everyone. 
Lately he's rolling over and over like a champ, pushing up on all fours, and even moving his knees separately. He's pushing up on his elbows while on his side. He just started FLYING through some of these things - but it helps when we put him on the floor, which we hadn't been doing as much as we could have. 
He's a "talker" :). We'll see if it follows through. 
We thank God daily for our little surprise. He's such joy!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update on the kiddos

Well, being as Mother's day is this Saturday, I figured I'd gift myself by getting this off my list of "mommy guilt" :) and updating the interested parties on what's new with the boys. I feel better already :)

Dezdin - by far the over-achiever of the crew. He's babbling, blowing bubbles, rolling over like a champ, pushing up on his arms, and, most recently, pushing up on his knees and scooting backwards. I'll leave the room for a minute and come back to find he's turned 180 degrees. He's an extremely happy and easy baby. He's sweet and cuddly - weighing 16 plus pounds and 29 inches. He's a family favorite.

Draes - is super fun! He's talking more and more; he loves to play and dance. His newest joy is jumping. He works really hard to get that whole body off the ground. He's still my super-sleeper. He actually asks to be put in his crib! Woohoo :) He is the purveyor of justice in our house. Any attempt at unfairness will be met with the a hair-raising scream, tears and "ma nib na mabu nagdu NO NO." It's cute and painful all at the same time. We're working on the screaming aspect. He loves to put on and take off his shoes. I hear him singing random little songs, when he thinks no one is looking. And his new favorite thing is "tickle" - he loves it when Daddy tickles him. However, "tickle" also refers to just about ANYthing that makes him laugh.

Daxton - is Mommy's SUPER HELPER! He's always helping to get me a diaper, play with the baby, give a bottle, fold laundry, clean up toys, set the table, clear the table... he has even "made" breakfast for Draes (which consists of a bowl of dry cereal) when they wake up super early. He's growing up so fast. He gets up every day, makes his own bed, gets dressed and brushes his hair... and you've seen his hair, right? lol! He's SO excited to go to kindergarten; he's learning all the time. Today he was excited to tell me he'd counted by 10's to 100 all on his own. He's mastering simple math and reading.  He has a heart for others and is newly concerned with sin. It's fun to walk those avenues with him and see his heart and mind grow.

We couldn't be more proud of our boys. They're crazy and fun and they keep us laughing. God is meeting our needs, and we're so grateful to Him for this time in our lives. Love to all of you.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

One Year

It's crazy to think... one year ago today I arrived in Boise to my new home. 

One year ago we began a life on this new terrain. We wondered what would happen, who we'd meet, what God would do.

Tonight I was in the nursery with 8 little ones. Each one a picture of what God is doing here - what God is doing at Connections. One year ago, some of them weren't even walking. One year ago I'd never met some of them. Now they are dear to us, a part of our lives.

One year ago I was a mother of two. Now I'm a mother of three. 

I keep finding myself wondering what God is going to do next. SO much has happened in one year. There has been so much uncertainty and so much blessing. I know many of you are there too, in this economy, wondering where the next paycheck will come from... and yet I find myself in giddy, anticipation, trying to peer around the corner of divinity to see the next little miracle. I don't understand it; I cannot explain it. All I know is God is doing cool things. 

One year ago, my life went from certain to spontaneous. I'm ready for His next amazing move.

"To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring." Oswald Chambers