Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Comedy of My Life

Or you could say "the comedy that IS my life."

Thought I'd share a few things that have forced me to smile lately...

Dax came down to breakfast in his pajamas and sunglasses the other morning. Said he needed to look like a "cool boy."

Draes disappeared in stealth this afternoon, and, of course, when I realized it was WAY too quiet and found him, he had dumped half a loaf of bread on the floor and walked all over it.

Yesterday Dax gave me a big hug and said, "Mommy, I love you so much. I'll always love you. I'll never kill you with a gun." ...yah - don't even try to ponder that, just laugh and let it go - who KNOWS what was going through his mind (and I don't even BUY him guns :).

And to add icing to my belly-laugh cake, the picture? Yah, that's the egg I had begun frying for myself, then forgot about as I fed the kids then took my shower. I discovered it in its caramelized, petrified state after I HAPPENED to go back downstairs. But know what's REALLY sad? My first thoughts weren't, "Oh how dangerous! I could have burned the house down." They were, "O what a waste of money! Now I have to make another egg!"

Just gotta laugh... 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

And just like that...

I awoke Monday morning to the glorious snow I've cherished so much over the holiday season. It was a balmy 50 degrees that day, and by late afternoon, the snow that had taken WEEKS to accumulate was GONE!

And it got me thinking (cuz that's how my brain works) about the fact that things can change SO quickly.

In a moment, last night, we left 2008 behind and began a new year, full of new hopes, dreams and struggles to be had.

In a moment, in November, we went from being a family of 4 to "survival mode" as a family of 5. Yes, there were months of preparation, but it's that moment that makes the difference between "a kid on each arm" and "can I grab him with my foot?"

I've had several friends lose parents in these past few months. In just that MOMENT, an entire LIFETIME of relationship is transformed into "memories."

It's amazing what a moment can mean, can create... And, of course, it turns my thoughts back to our Heavenly Father and to Jesus. In one MOMENT, Christ entered the world and began the fulfillment of a promise generations in the making. And in the MOMENT He died on the cross, our lives were forever altered... we changed from creatures bound for death, to those with the potential to live for eternity near to our Creator. 

We are created for moments. It's those moments that make up the journey. And that journey is part of eternity. God is in it all. Those valleys, the "dark night before the dawn"... sometimes they seem like forever, but in one instant, the sun breaks, and we have hope and rest and new life. Even the tragic moments are an invitation to hold onto our Father as He walks with us, through the struggle to create something beautiful and new.

Isaiah 43:19 says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." This verse means a great deal to me because where we are planting connections is called "high desert," and I love the thought of God doing this new thing in this "desert." As we walk on in the new year, I pray you will embrace your moments. See how they've been shaped by your past and how God wants to use them to catalyze your future. Open your heart to what He has for you, and just like that...

P.S. Dusty will be doing a series in Jan. called "21" - it's all about forming new habits in 21 days - becoming who God wants us to be and who we want to be. You should DEFINITELY check out his blog starting January 10th.   Happy 2009!