Tuesday, June 10, 2014

By the Seconds

"Mommy! I can't tell time by the seconds because they keep moving on!" Dezdin uttered in frustration toward his watch.

Dusty and I shared a knowing look over the dinner table at the profundity of his statement - no doubt lost on his five-year-old perspective.

Seconds ticking by. Monumental moments passing.

Six: The number of months we waited to meet our little girl - not knowing fully what that would mean.

Three: The number of days after my mom was supposed to be here for Taelyn's arrival that we found out she had rare and terminal cancer.

Twenty-six: The number of nights (sometimes LONG) we have held our little gift, praising God for how healthy she is.

Eight to Ten: The number of years they now say Mom could live if her surgery goes well.

When life, and eternal life are laid on the scales and the line, one starts to count time differently. It becomes less about accolades, accomplishments and entertainment. EVERYTHING becomes about moments when you know not what the next one holds or how many remain.

Counting time by seconds. By breaths. By glances and meaning. Then releasing each one to the promise of forever and cherishing the fact that you were able to hold it in your hand - in your heart - for any time at all.

Infinite: The depth and height, length and width of God's love for YOU - for me - for each of us.

Eternal: The moments we will have to rejoice in His presence if we will receive the gift of His grace through Jesus, by the Spirit.

Life is a precious vapor and a dim reflection of what we hope for. May it be that we, by our hearts though not our watches :), begin to "tell time by the seconds."