Saturday, August 20, 2011

I Don't Do Windows...

Dear Daxton,
It was fun working with you today. And while the tedium of feather dusting the blinds and washing the windows is grand, we both thrive on doing things as a team. I love that we share that trait.
I could not be-LIEVE how disgusting those windows were. Who knew that three years of wind, weather and wayward foul could make such a mess! It is an unfortunate thing that smells are so tied to memory. The scent of windex soaked dirt may forever pollute my psyche.
But what a joy it was, when we had finished, to sit back, swallow gulps of almost frozen Mountain Dew and admire the beauty of our labor! The world outside was so lovely - its colors brightened and magnified behind the now-transparent glass - like vivid moving pictures hanging framed on our walls.
As with so many things - it reminded me of the spiritual. The world around us grows dim, my love, with "wars and rumors of wars." Governments and monies fail. People hurt other people and "because of the abounding wickedness the love of most [grows] cold."
I pray you always tend to the windows of your soul, buddy. I pray you wipe them clean of the muck and dirt of bitterness and unforgiveness and fear. There are SO many things that can cloud your view of the world around you, but if you keep your heart and mind under the maintaining eye of the Spirit, He will help your vision to remain true.
Love you so much. Loved our time together - even if it was dirty work. Ha ha. You're an amazing kid.

With all my heart,