Monday, October 3, 2011

And Miles to go Before I Sleep...

Dear Dezdin,
Hi baby. Tonight, you did not want to go to bed. Ha ha!

It is so rare for you to fight us on that. Usually you're so happy in your little man bed, snuggled with puppy and shooing me out of the room. But tonight, you clung to my face and had to be returned to your pillow half a dozen times!

It was so sad I wanted to crawl right in with you - but I had tried that last night and you promptly told me, "Mommy you need to go that way to Daddy's bed." Ha ha ha... I don't even get my OWN bed; it's Daddy's bed!

You are such an independent little Mr. - so much in your own mind and occupied with your own pursuits - that when you want to be with us like that very little can keep me from giving you my full attention.

For instance, today, when you insisted that the picture on the "diamond" (dime) was Jesus and he was singing "Jesus Loves Me," then proceeded to sing the ENTIRE song for us so we would understand... your dad and I both completely stopped what we were working on because you so rarely engage us like that!

You are such a little miracle and a mystery all wrapped in a shaggy-haired, blue-eyed bow. Thanks for being a surprise, in every facet of your being, every day and on so many levels. You keep my eyes open and I can't wait for the next revealing secret! :)

Love beyond words,

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jesus in the Sky

Dear Draes,

I have always had a few concerns for you. I have feared you will feel like you missed out because you were still a baby when your baby brother was born; I have feared you will feel lost in the shuffle of an older brother and a younger brother; I have feared you will not be certain of the love we so desperately feel for you.

They're untrue - all of them. Still, it is my heart that you know how amazing you are, how impressed we are with your character already, how I wish I could freeze time so I could spend hours learning to know you better and not having to deal with the mundane issues of life...

You've always had such a tender, generous heart. But lately we have been blown away by your heart for God. Your prayers are veritable sermons as you thank God for "Jesus in the sky," and say things like, "trust You wif awl ouw houwts." The passion you have is something ... well, maybe we have modeled it a little, but mostly I feel it - like your generosity - is something God has planted deep within your spirit. It is precious and amazing. It makes me want to share with you mysteries I'm unsure you could fully comprehend. Perhaps you would surprise me.

Thank you for being a daily reminder of the tender intimacy I desire to have with the Spirit. You're a unique, gifted young man. So proud to know you and get to "grow up" with you :).

Love you - so much more than you can know,