But there is this... between loving people through ministry and loving my kids, God keeps me always at His knee. Humanity is such a mystery sometimes - the way we walk into something knowing the pain will come, but wanting the rush badly enough? The way we hurt each other... the way we get stupid? I'm often asking God, "How do you put up with it? WHY do you put up with it? with me? with us? with this mess we're creating/have created?" LOL and in that mental abyss I sometimes think about what I would do if I had the power. Scary thought huh? Yah. I know you're frightened :) Me too, AND, to keep perspective, I thought I'd note just a FEW of the reasons HE'S the guy... and I'm not.
5. I have a shorter fuse. - Yes, I try... and I do marvel at the level of my own patience sometimes, but there's no WAY I would withhold my vengeance for generations while people spat in my face.
4. I think I'd prefer robots. - Sure choice is a great thing to you and me. But if you were the ruler of all these crazy beings running around shooting themselves and each other (figuratively AND literally), would you rethink free will?
3. I'm a stinkin' elephant! - I remember the craziest details! Especially how I was wronged, by whom, in what season, location, date and time... you get the point. If I were a deity there would be no "hurling your sins into the depths of the sea."
2. I'm a justice girl. - I'm all for mercy, but I'd make you pay SOME restitution first. Purgatory might be real if I were almighty.
And number 1? NO WAY!!! It's possible I might sacrifice my son's EGO for your salvation, but that'd be about it. Lay down my sons innocent life for the sins of a bunch of people who are just going to be unfaithful and sinful anyway? Probably not gonna happen...
When I step back and think on those things, I am SO, SO, SO thankful that HE is God and I am not - that He is complete in all His being, His justice and His mercy. I am speechlessly grateful for the sacrifice He made in Jesus, because without it, I, you, we... would be utterly hopeless.